and it's back to reality folks.
I began my day this morning bright and early at 7:30 AM. This semester on Monday, Wednesday and Friday's I have 5 classes! This semester is going to be full of studying, studying and more studying. I probably won't get much sleep either.
My first class today was Music 201. I am really excited about this class. Although the class itself is going to be super tough, my professor is so sweet and seems willing to help. Dr. Lee wants me to come and visit the orchestra class tomorrow afternoon. We'll see how that goes. It's definitely going to be an interesting class to have at 8:30 in the morning.
My second class was Psychology. I love my professor for this class as well. She used to be a psychologist before she began teaching. I feel like learning all about the brain and different illnesses will be a lot of fun this semester. She has a crazy personality that I love as well. I also really enjoy how the classroom is set up. There are square tables with 4 people to a table. It reminds me of elementary school, and is family like.
My third class was Government. I think this is going to be one of my most difficult classes. There is over 200 pages of reading per week! My professor mumbles and uses big words. I feel like I need a dictionary in class to understand what he is saying. Something interesting happened in his class today. I went to take a sip of my water bottle and when I pulled the cap off water shot up, hit the ceiling, proceeded to spew all over the guy behind me and myself. It was so embarassing. Way to make a name for myself on the first day!
My fourth class today was Macroeconomics. I have the teacher I had last interim. She has an interesting accent and has a unique style of teaching. There are a lot of people in my class right now, but i feel like that won't be the case in 2 or 3 weeks. I took a pre-semester quiz and was surprised at all the information I remember from my senior year of high school when I took AP Macroeconomics.
Tonight I have philosophy. I was planning on working out at some point, however right now I am exhausted. John has to run me to Walmart later to get some ink. My keys are still locked in my car. Hopefully dad will be able to mail my spare tomorrow.
oh it's great to be busy again, back to reality.
I'm laughing as I'm reading this. I have a student teacher in my classroom this semester and I listen to her describe her classes and teachers and it's much like what you wrote. :) I bet the guy in your government class will find a new seat tomorrow. :) Kim