Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Home is where the heart is

January 30, 2010

A good night sleep? Yeah Right! Victoria and I woke up about 2:00 A.M. due to the lack of adjusting to American time within a few short hours. We spent the wee hours of the morning watching movies, talking on the phone and watching the weather.

Once it was finally time to rise and shine we got ready for our day and crossed our fingers we’d be able to come back home. Emma, Victoria and I weren’t counting on anything though!

Once arriving at the airport and checking in our luggage, it was all we could do to get through security and get on the plane. We were a nervous wreck, thinking we were going to get stuck in the airport without luggage. We just wanted to go home. No one in the group was in a particularly good mood. When it was announced that our plane would be definitely headed to Greenville, we all practically wet our pants. We were so excited.

Needless to say the hour and half trip back from Chicago went by really fast. Surprisingly enough, the plane ride wasn’t too rough, even though the weather down below was.

We arrived at the airport and walked out of the terminal to see friends, family and boyfriends all waiting for us. It was so good to see everyone after a month!

We all went our separate ways after claiming our luggage. I headed to my room at Wofford to unpack as well as spend time with my parents and John. It was so nice to be home.

I know the next couple of days are going to be rough adjusting back to American cuisine, time and mannerisms. Although I am looking forward to the familiarity of America, I will greatly miss China. It will be a trip I will never forget. I learned so many things about the culture, history and people of China. As of right now, it is the best trip I have taken in my all of my 19 years, and probably will be for the rest of my life. China not only lived up to my expectations but also greatly exceeded them.

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