Thursday, February 11, 2010

busy, busy, busy!

I have honestly had the busiest week of my life! Whats even better is that it'll be this way every week until the end of the semester. I am currently enrolled in 19 hours, with a possibility of 20 next week (if i decided to join the orchestra). I have enjoyed my classes thus far, but have been slammed with homework. I've never had to read so much in my life. I thought Wofford was tough before this semester, little did I know it could get so much harder.

I think the biggest thing for me this semester is going to be time management. I'm going to have to balance all my classes, along with my campus involvement, friends, family and boyfriend. It will definitely be challenging, and I know I will have to make sacrifices along the way. In the end, I know I'll say, "If I could do it again, I'd do it the same."

I am currently working out, catching up on tv shows and emailing. I feel like I'm following in the steps of my father. I would not be able to survive without my blackberry. I honestly don't know how I did before.

Although I'm not sleeping much at night, it's completely worth it. I am having the time of my life, even if I am consumed with work and meetings. I am constantly counting down the days till the weekend, which will eventually turn into days until the semester is over.

If life wasn't crazy, stressful and full of surprises I wouldn't be enjoying it as much as I am.

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