Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Camp Week 4 - Day 2

What a busy, wonderful, fun day! My goodness! So you can understand my schedule for this week I've typed out my daily schedule below.

7:00 am: Polar Bear Swim
8:00 am: Breakfast
9:00 am: Session 1
10:10 am: Session 2
11:20 am: Session 3
12:30 pm: Lunch
1:30 pm: Shoes Off
2:45 pm: Session 4
4:00 pm: Session 5
5:00 pm: Cabin Time
6:00 pm: Dinner
7:00 pm: Dimensions
8:45 pm: Evening program
11:00 pm: lights out

What a busy day! I had my first session at bikes. I only had about 5 campers. This week cabins as a whole don't come to an activity. Campers get to choose from 3 activities what they want to do per session. Its so cool to see them have the responsibility and choice to decide what they want to do. Its also rewarding because everyone wants to be participating in that one activity. I had a break during 2 session and then went to the pool for 3rd session. It was a hot day, and I'm pretty sure my Chaco tan line improved. The fourth session I went to canoes. Let me tell you, it was the most challenging canoe session thus far. The campers are not supposed to flip their kayaks or canoes, but because they have been allowed in the past, they do it anyways. I spent most of the session assisting the other lifeguard and rescuing kayaks. In the process I accidentally flipped our canoe! I felt so nasty and gross from the lake water. I headed back to the pool for the 5th session. I was also at the pool for dimension. I helped one of my campers learn how to swim somewhat. Hopefully she'll improve and get her yellow band by the end of the week. The evening program tonight was a Luau. Within the first 10 minutes, it was cancelled because of lightening. The CTL staff quickly threw together a "mini talent show". It was pretty fun. I quickly headed to bed after a quick trip to walmart.

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