Saturday, May 29, 2010

Camp Week 1 - Day 5 & 6

Alright, so I have failed to post the past two days. Thus, I have pretty much forgotten what all happened. I am realizing I am getting my days of the week mixed up because I am so busy every day! Nonetheless, I am having a blast!

Thursday I worked canoes first session in the morning. I had a group of young boys who were very scared of the canoes and tipping over! One little boy was literally shaking! After that I headed to bike riding. Somehow I managed to pick a bike that was a little small for me. Needless to say from all the bike riding this week and size of the bike it was an uncomfortable ride! I think next I had an open session, and went to my room for some "me" time. In the afternoon I had sessions at the pool and canoes/kayaks.

Thursday's evening program was the "Camp Dance". I have thoroughly enjoyed admiring from afar the "camp romances" that have sprouted, withered and bloomed.  At the camp dance, not only do the CTL staff get to dance with the kids, we get to watch the kids dance with one another. Let me just say, the night was filled with breakups, young heartbreaks, kisses on the cheek, flowers, tears, laughter, dancing and fun!

After the dance ended I packed my bag to head home after Friday's festivities!

Friday I woke up and had the last breakfast with my t boys. I was so sad to tell not only them, but the other campers goodbye. At camp, I met so many kids that I genuinely cared about and enjoyed spending time with. It's hard to tell them bye after investing all your time in them for a week, not knowing if you'll ever see them again. After our "debriefing meeting" I got on the road to head home!  Below are some pictures from the camp dance photo booth!

From left to right: Melissa, Jessie, Me, Jamie

Sarah Beth (my cousin) and me before the dance

my roomies, sophie and christine and me at the dance

Sarah Beth and me at the dance

Camp Lingo
Session: for this camp, lasted about an hour
Open Session: Not scheduled for anything, however suggested to hang out with "cabin buddies" or take "me" time
Cabin Buddies: Camp Twin Lake Staff assigned to a cabin to eat, hang out and get to know the campers. The camp itself brings counselors to live with the kids, etc.
CTL: Camp Twin Lakes
Waterfront: The program area I am apart of (includes: pool, kayaks, canoes, biking, team sports, fishing, paddle boats and boating)

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