Friday, February 26, 2010

you make me smile

What a week!

I am constantly busy, day after day. It is the end of the week and I could not be more excited. I am a week closer to Disciple Now, a week closer to being halfway through my college career and a week closer to this summer.

John and I are probably going to Clemson tonight to see one of his good friends perform in the musical Rent.

I have another Alexander Hamilton quiz today. I've read 202 pages already, only 500 more to go before spring break!

Next week is going to be crazy stressful. I have a test or quiz every day!

Last weekend I had the Black and Gold Ball. It was fabulous. My committee did such a wonderful job planning it and organizing everything!

I am going to try and get a lot of homework done this weekend. That is so non-typical of me on a Saturday. I guess when you're taking 20 hours, you don't have a choice!

I'll write more when I have another 5 minutes of down time!

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