Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hey lady, be my friend!

January 28, 2010

Today we awoke early for our free day in Beijing. We spent most of the day jumping from market to market. Victoria exchanged her luggage for better quality luggage. It ended up coming in handy later on in the day after we had bought so much.

Around 3:00 we decided we were tired and headed back to the hotel. We began packing up all our purchases from the day as well as items brought and aquired on the trip.

We prepared for our last night out in Beijing. I think all of us are pretty exhausted by now, and are just ready to get home.

I have thoroughly enjoyed Beijing, especially the shopping! There are so many markets with endless booths selling everything from perfume to electronics to wigs. I have had so much fun, and would love to come back to China some day.

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